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                   What is Micronutrition ?

  By definition, micronutrition is the nutrition on a cellular level. This means that it is the study of the nutrients our cells need to function properly and do what they are supposed to do (enzyme, proteins synthesis, replication, DNA synthesis and protection, etc, etc... the whole metabolism). The micronutrients are the smallest molecules our cells can absorb and need for these functions. They are the amino acids, fatty acids, simple sugars, vitamins and minerals. So, when we talk about micronutrition, we HAVE to talk about “macro”nutrition. What we eat is what we and our cells get. So, it is important to know how to eat correctly/ Healthily

There are many aspects of micronutrition as we follow the paths of the micronutrients from our food, until they reach our cells and used correctly by them and the biggest problem is that nowadays, it has become very difficult to eat correctly and have a healthy environment.


  Important point: it is not a diet for losing weight, even if it is possible that you might lose a little bit if you are overweight


  What is the purpose of it?

  Micronutrition helps our cells conduct the necessary chemical reactions in our bodies correctly. Therefore, it helps in many ways:

1.       to prevent eventual chronic illnesses

2.       for people who already have chronic problems to reduce their symptoms, thus the need of chemical drugs.

3.       To improve the digestive functions (specially if you have digestive symptoms).

4.       To improve general health.

5.       To correct problems related to chronic inflammation.

  How do we do it?

  On the first consultation, Dr Spyropoulos will take time to explain to you what is micronutrition, how it works, and which are the steps for the follow up. He will probably prescribe you some lab tests.

  On the second consultation (around 2 weeks later), your results will be explained and get advices and eventually some supplements.

  On the 3rd consultation, you will get the nutritional advices based on you habits.

  On the 4th consultation (about 1-2 months later), you will discuss with Dr Spyropoulos how you feel, if you have some difficulties and you can ask him any additional question you might have.

  On the 5th consultation (around 6 months later), you will do the follow up and Dr Spyropoulos will adjust your diet or supplements if necessary.

Note that this pattern is an example and not necessarily how it will apply to you, special if you have many different problems associated (you could need more consultations).


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L-8011 Strassen

G.D. de Luxembourg

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